Doing a menu plan? Gather your favorite recipes

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter

There’s so MUCH to know to cook smarter…but where do you start? What’s most important? How do you choose? How do you focus in the midst of SO MUCH information available? Here’s the bare bones of 5 things you should know to cook smarter. ANYONE trying to feed themselves or their family a healthy, budget-friendly diet should KNOW these things.

1) Know what you always need or use.

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter - What you always need or use and best prices

If you use chicken broth every week (or for every other meal), then it doesn’t make sense to run out. Add these items to a MUST HAVE grocery list, and you’ll never have to worry about being without. What’s a MUST HAVE grocery list? A list of the most essential groceries you need. Each week, print out a copy as the beginning of your shopping list. If you still have what you need of those items in the house, simply cross them off the list. But if you don’t have them, you won’t forget them with this list. (see more details here)

2) Know what you have so you can use it in time!

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter - What you have on hand

I cannot tell you how many times I have thrown out wonderful vegetables that I had every intention of cooking but had been hidden in the fridge and forgotten until they “died” (read that as “it became a science project” and thus was no longer edible). If you have a list in front of you (the door of the fridge is the best place), you can remember what’s in there even when you can’t see it. (Read more here)

3) Know what you plan to cook.

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter - What you plan to cook

If you don’t know what recipes you’re making, how can you possibly write a shopping list? I used to shop by going down every aisle and picking up what I thought would go together…only to find I would have all but one crucial ingredient to make that recipe. Planning beforehand eliminates the hassle of going back to the store or changing the menu last minute. (Learn more about creating your weekly menu plan here.)

4) Know the best price for things you use often…particularly meats.

There are certain things you use all the time…milk, eggs, chicken, etc. You know what those items are for you. If you get to know THOSE prices well, you can always know when a sales price is good enough to stock up or change which store you go to that week. No need to keep all that info in your head either. Write it down somewhere you have constant access to it…on that MUST HAVE list (from point #1) is a great place!

5) Know how often your favorite meats are on sale for the best price.

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter - When your favorite meat is on sale and how often

If you’re a meat eater like me, you always need some kind of meat, and it’ll be the most expensive thing on your grocery list. You’ve got to know the best prices for the cuts you use AND how often the really good sales come around. (Don’t get overwhelmed…click here for more on how to do it! Or check out #1 and #6 here for a couple of ideas)

Put these 5 things together, and you’ll KNOW how to cook smarter, finding you always have what you need, waste less, and save more than you thought possible. Here’s more nitty-gritty details on these KNOWs…

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