using easy Korean sauce on fish
better, smarter

Multi-purposing an easy Korean sauce

Don’t you love it when a recipe can be used for multiple dishes? I stumbled on using this sauce for other things by accident…I just had it left over, and I don’t like to waste food. So, I experimented and found you can do a lot with just this one easy Korean sauce (thanks!).

An easy Korean sauce for ribs, fish or salads

Korean Instant Pot Ribs

Of course, I started with this original recipe for Instant Pot Korean Short Ribs. I made mine with country style boneless pork ribs (you could also use a small pork roast). It’s still pretty expensive so I only use about 3 pounds of meat instead of the 5 called for.

Instant Pot Korean Ribs - using Country style pork ribs

I’d made this a few times before I realized I always used about half the sauce and then had the rest left over. It would sit in the fridge while I wondered what to do with it, and inevitably I would end up throwing it down the drain.

Then one week, it was time to make a fish recipe that really wasn’t my favorite – just didn’t have much flavor – when I thought “Hey, I bet that Korean sauce would be good on that fish.” The first experiment was on…and a hit!

Use easy Korean sauce to season baked fish

Preheat oven to 400 degrees, dry off 4 fish fillets, and place in a greased 9×13 baking dish (or 5 or 6 pieces in an 11×15). Cover with sauce. Bake between 7 to 12 minutes until done (fish flakes easily with a fork and is white inside). Mine were perfect at 10 minutes but every oven is a little different.

using easy Korean sauce on fish

Now, this is one of my favorite fish recipes. In fact, I specifically plan to make Korean ribs one week, then use the rest of the sauce on fish the next!

Use easy Korean sauce as a salad dressing

If you like the sassy taste of ginger, use this sauce to top your favorite salad. When using salads for an easy side on your Whole30, I always love having more dressing options available. And this one has a nice kick.

Korean sauce as a gingery salad dressing

There you go…one easy Korean sauce and three great ways to use it! (Plus so much better since it’s homemade!) What sauces do you like? Can you think of other ways to serve them or cook with them? Have a little fun experimenting on your own!

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