Accessories for the table - the icing on the cake!

Essential Kitchen Tools: For the Table – The “icing on the cake”

Now that you have all your essential tools for cooking and storage, it’s time to dress things up just a bit. What will you put your food on and eat with? What will your table look like? Dining room accessories for the table are the “icing on the cake” for your meals.

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miscellaneous kitchen tools - stackable, portable storage

Essential Kitchen Tools: Linens and Miscellaneous

I knew nothing when I was doing our wedding registry. Anything bright, shiny, and expensive caught my eye. Turns out a lot of those things, I’ve not even used. You can learn from my mistakes and register for the items you really need. To my surprise, some of the tools I use most are here under the forgotten category of kitchen linens and miscellaneous.

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small kitchen appliances - hand mixer, immersion blender, digital scale, Instant Pot airfryer parts

Essential Kitchen Tools – Small Appliances

Is your kitchen countertop littered with gadgets and gizmos? If you’re registering for your wedding, are you tempted by all the items made specifically for one purpose? Everyone’s needs are different, but with years of experience in my own home, I’d like to share what I consider the essential small appliances for the kitchen.

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What IS the best price for groceries? Do you know?

When I started my savings journey in 2009, I had no idea what I paid for anything at the grocery store. It’s not that hard, I just wasn’t paying attention. Ten years of looking at every price has really paid off…and I do mean “paid” as in saving lots of money. But how do you know what the best price is? You need a strategy!

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essential kitchen tools part 1

Essential Small Kitchen Tools

Recently my son (who is engaged) asked a key question: What essential small kitchen tools should we register for?

Part of cooking smarter is knowing which tools you really need and which are just taking up space. Over the years, I’ve had tools come and go…things that didn’t work well or that only did one thing (that I didn’t need done). Even prepping for these pics, I found a bunch more that I just don’t use (they’re outta here!). I hadn’t paid specific attention to this area until he asked me to write ‘em down as they’ll have a fairly small kitchen. Here’s what I came up with…

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MUST HAVE list with prices

The MUST HAVE grocery list

What is a MUST HAVE grocery list? It’s the list of ingredients you “must have” to get through your week.

How do you create a MUST HAVE list? Think through each meal of the day with the questions below. Write down the things you always use. This may mean you need to keep a notebook in the kitchen for a week or two, and simply track what you ARE using. Let’s get started!

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