Snack before grocery shopping

5 best weapons against a bad grocery shopping trip

We all know the shopping MUST be done, and most folks these days seem to think grocery shopping is THE single most annoying task they face. Example…the many people in the pickup order line at my local stores.

But if you’re armed with these 5 weapons, grocery shopping isn’t bad…in fact, since I’ve employed these tactics, I think it’s really fun. You just have to protect yourself against a bad shopping trip!

Knowledge of key meat prices

Familiarize yourself with meat prices and buy when they are their lowest (more on that here). Of course, since I’m writing this in COVID times, those prices are higher overall…beef especially

But because I know what the prices have been recently (because I read the sales flyers every week), I was able to scoop up some boneless, skinless chicken breasts at 1.89/# rather than the 2.99/# that has been the norm.

Know your meat prices
Know your meat prices!

Or know what you might substitute if you can’t find what you need budget-wise. I stumbled on a STEAL of ground beef at half price. Otherwise, I would have gone for ground turkey this time. But you have to know what the price IS in order to know how to adjust on the fly.

Shopping list

Make a shopping list!
My 6/27 shopping list for Aldi

I cannot believe I used to shop without a list – I wouldn’t be caught dead without one now! So many choices and so little time…you need a plan. A menu plan! Decide BEFORE you go what you’re getting, then STICK TO THE LIST. Cuts down on decision-making AND helps budget control. (More on menu-planning here)

Store map

Know your store (see more here). I can’t emphasize this enough! The reason it takes 2 or 3 times as long when you send your partner to the store is simply this…they don’t know where things are! Make sure you are saving yourself the time of criss-crossing the store looking for items.

Have you made a store map?
Store map I made for my Kroger

Rules for the kids

In COVID times, a lot of the stores haven’t been allowing more than one person per family to shop. But as things open up more, and folks return to work, stay-at-home moms will once again find themselves at the store with the kids because when Mom goes, the kids go.

So, set up rules before you go. Will they ride in the cart or will they walk? Will they get to choose anything to add to the purchases? Little ones like to make decisions…it makes them “big people” like us! But instead of simply giving in to a bunch of extra, un-healthy choices along the way, decide beforehand when they can make the choice.

If you’re getting cereal, and you know which ones are the good ones (Mom’s Best are my favorites…not an ad, but that’s what I buy when I buy cereal), give them two options of those good cereals and let them choose from those rather than the entire cereal aisle.

If I had little ones now, at my Kroger I would offer them two flavors of Mom’s Best cereals in the natural foods cereal aisle…and I wouldn’t even go down the main cereal aisle! Too many poor choices there.

In produce, perhaps you know your picky eater will try something new if they get to choose it. So, let them choose between two things you haven’t had before. “Honey, would you like to try this pretty red beet or this funny white carrot thingy?” (Yes, I know it’s a parsnip! They’ll think it’s a white carrot at first. You can fill them in once you get home and are cooking it together.)

And by all means if you have more than one child, be prepared for each to make an equal number of decisions…1 or 2 max. I was an only child, and even with just two of my own, the need for equality was a constant. Save yourself the frustration and time of arguments over fairness. For that matter, why not have a “no arguments in the store” rule?

A snack before you go

Eat a snack before you go grocery shopping
Have a good healthy, protein-filled snack before you go for the groceries!

This works for kids AND adults. You’ll make better choices and suffer less frustration if you don’t shop hungry. (Check out more about that here!) I once went shopping after a long walk and had forgotten my snack. Desperate, I went first thing to the natural aisle and chose the best option, ate it as I shopped but saved the wrapper and paid for it at the end. The clerk laughed and gave me that “Yep, I’ve been there” look (DON’T do this with the kids in tow though).

And there’s your shopping arsenal

If you’ve not been shopping with these great weapons at hand, add one at a time to your shopping routine to stave off the dreaded “bad” shopping trip. Let me know in the comments below what helped you the most…or if you have a weapon you would add!

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