Chopped Broccoli - quick and frugal!

The quick, frugal way to chop broccoli

Broccoli’s pretty straight forward. But just like all other things, there IS a way I’ve found that is easiest…and conserves as much of the edible parts as possible, resulting in more servings per head!

I used to only like the florets. Then I realized, if I bought frozen broccoli cuts in a box, there were cubes of the stalk in there…and I ate them just fine. So, I decided to test trimming them in such a way that I could tolerate them. Turns out, they’re much better once the tougher, outer layer of “skin” is removed. And it’s not hard to do. Let’s see if you agree.

How to start

Start chopping broccoli by removing the florets

Go for the florets first. Cut each individual floret away from the head about a half inch below the buds, starting at the bottom edge and working your way all the way around the head until you reach the very top. At the top, there’s usually a bigger cluster that you can cut away all at the same time. Then just pull apart the bigger florets (or cut them) into whatever size bites you’re looking for in your recipe.

Cutting the stem

Skin broccoli stem down long sides and chop for an extra serving - frugal!

Cut off the dry cut edge of the stem and toss it. Now cut down along the side of the stem, aiming to make a flat edge against the fat section in the middle. (That’s hard to explain, but check out this picture, and it may make more sense.) You’ll need at least a medium chef’s knife to be long enough to do this.

"Skinned" broccoli stem gets cut into cubes

Lay stem on that new flat side and cut another side the same way. Do all four sides this way. In the end, you should end up with a long rectangle of stem that is lighter green. If it’s wide enough like mine was, cut it right down the long middle, then again to make it strips. Turn all the strips on their side and line up to chop into bites.

If there are a few upper stalks that are fat enough to trim this way, that’s just more to add to the pot.

Chopped broccoli is done!

Chopped Broccoli - quick and frugal!

Now it’s ready to be washed and cooked to your liking. It’s super easy to stir fry on medium high in a 12-inch slope-sided skillet with a little oil and salt. Give it an Asian flair with sesame oil or even a little soy sauce or coconut aminos. Use the sloped side of the pan to “flip” the broccoli 5 or 6 times (effectively turning most of it), then let it cook for about 2 minutes. Keep doing this until all is cooked through, bright green and tender. It only takes a total 8 to 10 minutes depending on how large your pieces are.

What about the frugal part?

Let’s say you get 5 servings out of a pound of broccoli crowns. I paid $1.28 for my last broccoli so that’s roughly 26c per serving. (Surprised by such a low cost? You may be paying too much! This was at Aldi.)

What if you were able to add a serving with the stem pieces. That brings it down to about 21c per serving. Keep your eyes peeled for ways to cut costs like this at every meal.

And there you have it…a great green side…and a super healthy one at that! (see how many ways here) What’s your favorite green side? Let me know in the comments below!

Check out this post on another cruciferous cousin…

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