Chinese Steamed Buns

Food Adventures: Chinese Steamed Buns (Bao)

We have some friends from China at our church. So, it’s always a surprise to see what they bring to potlucks and family dinners. Most recently, the food adventure was Chinese Steamed Buns (or Bao)…but toasted!

I normally avoid grain/bread products, but this summer when my friend Natalie hosted our group at her home, I was able to try these yummies. While traditionally served just steamed, she “toasted” hers. That tasty browning just gave me more motivation to try it!

Make Chinese steamed buns at home!

Chinese steamed buns

If you’re interested in making these beautiful buns at home from scratch, here’s a thorough recipe with lots of notes on procedure and ingredients for a successful first run (see that here). Here’s a recipe for beef meatball buns like Natalie had.

And if you want to play with it a little, here’s a set of alternative stuffings (like chicken with cabbage and mushroom, bbq pork, and even Nutella – what?) for these morsels. You’d probably have to be a little more careful if you use chunky ingredients, then cut and pan fry the bun slices like my friend did.

The shortcut

You can often buy these from your favorite Chinese place already cooked but then “toast” them in a pan to reheat at home. This can make a special side for any Asian dish you’re making yourself. Or if you’re headed to a party with multi-cultural friends, surprise them with this great treat!

Sliced Bao ready to go in the skillet

Here’s how Natalie “toasts” hers. Slice each Bao into 5 pieces. Heat your favorite oil in a non-stick pan over medium heat and slide in the Bao slices. Cook for 3-5 minutes and turn when brown. Cook another 3-5 minutes until brown to your liking.

Bao slices toasting in a skillet

Always learning with food adventures

You can never know everything but learning little things from food adventures like this keep my mind fresh. Of course, I initially I thought the stuffing Natalie had was the only stuffing there could be. Then today, I learned you could mix it up…like an omelet or quesadilla where you choose what’s in there. Amazing! What’s your latest food adventure? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Toasted Bao is a great addition to any Asian meal

Looking for other food adventures? Try these!

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