my go-to cheat meal...a Subway Veggie Delight Salad
better, faster, smarter

Have a go-to “cheat” meal

No, I don’t mean eat off plan if you’re doing Whole30. I mean a plan for when you tank or your world explodes. Life happens…but you can lighten the stress of it by having a go-to “cheat” meal already planned.

Being an Enneagram One, stress and perfectionism has always been the name of my game. I’m a rule-follower extraordinaire (my husband was amazed to see me run a stop sign on a hill in our recent snow…he couldn’t believe I’d actually be able to do it!). But I’m learning to let go of that…got another chance to practice just today.

When car repair takes all day

I took a snack and my lunch with me just in case. What I didn’t plan on was being there a total of 6 hours. My “must be done today” list of 14 things went down the toilet with that.

Too many things on your priority list? Punt and eat your go-to cheat meal

When something else takes priority

Yes, my Whole30 is important, and I’m dedicated to sticking to it. But like I said, there were 14 things that really needed to be done today…some merely by location as I was in another town and doing all the errands that needed to be done THERE while I WAS there (saving time and gas).

When you need to take care of yourself

I called my husband on my drive back home at 3pm (knowing I needed to leave the house again at 5:45) and updated him. He reminded me that he could take care of his own supper if need be, or he could fix what I had planned, or whatever. But he wanted me to remember in the list of important things, what did I need to do to take care of myself?

Things that are more important...taking care of myself with exercise and Bible study

My workout…the thing I forfeited yesterday when I had a similar situation of a packed day and forgot to “take care of me” along the way. I knew what we would do…and actually he was gonna be the one to do it. And the other thing for me actually included my Bible partner since we hadn’t met in a couple of weeks due to weather.

My go-to “cheat” meal

A salad…that’s it. Specifically, a Subway Veggie Delight salad (no this isn’t an ad). That way I get a mix of fresh veggies without having to go in the store and gather and cut them myself. I use whatever vinegar and oil I have handy (this time balsamic and light olive oil…my fave!), and it’s a great, quick meal.

my go-to cheat meal...a Subway Veggie Delight Salad

He got his favorite sub, and I got my salad. He even had a gift card with him, so it didn’t hit the budget and fire up my guilt about that! Remember to find someone to support you on tough days on your Whole30. It makes a world of difference.

So, what’s your go-to “cheat” meal?

If you haven’t thought about it, now’s the time. Maybe it’s a salad like me but from somewhere different that closer to YOUR home. Maybe it’s leftovers you’ve put away in the freezer that you can grab and microwave quickly. Plan for some kind of “cheat” meal to be “in your pocket” for when LIFE happens…you’ll be glad you did!

Considering doing the Whole30 but not sure if you have the time or even the motivation to do it? Check these out!

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