Sales flyers from the grocery store

4 Easy steps for planning your menu by the sales flyer

Way back in January of last year, I posted the way I plan my menus and re-use the shopping lists (check that out here). But I realize everyone is different, and that might not work for all. Particularly for people without a lot of storage space (fridge, freezer, or cabinets) and with a smaller budget or even people who don’t like to shop, let’s take a look at planning your menu by the sales flyer at your favorite/closest grocery store.

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Figuring out what to cook for dinner

Figuring out what to cook for dinner

I know you’ve seen it…the meme that says, “Who knew the hardest part of being an adult was figuring out what to cook for dinner every night for the rest of your life before you die!” That is SO spot on it’s not even funny. It is SUPER hard to constantly figure out what to cook for dinner…I’ve definitely felt this struggle.

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Snack before grocery shopping

5 best weapons against a bad grocery shopping trip

We all know the shopping MUST be done, and most folks these days seem to think grocery shopping is THE single most annoying task they face. Example…the many people in the pickup order line at my local stores.

But if you’re armed with these 5 weapons, grocery shopping isn’t bad…in fact, since I’ve employed these tactics, I think it’s really fun. You just have to protect yourself against a bad shopping trip!

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Bulk buying could boost your savings

Bulk buying could boost your savings (and save your sanity!)

Life is ever changing and more challenging…today our big concern is the Coronavirus COVID-19. There’s so much unknown that we face free-floating anxiety…with no way to relieve it! When everyone hit the stores for toilet tissue, chips and cooking oil (really? Why was that what they went for in my neighborhood?), I stocked up on meat that was happily on sale!

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Doing a menu plan? Gather your favorite recipes

Planning a weekly menu your family will love!

The key to getting supper on the table each day is being ready. That means planning…menu planning: what you’re gonna have, what ingredients you need, what method you’ll use, and how long it’ll take.

But have you heard the phrase “reinventing the wheel?” Why would you do that if it’s already been done? Same goes for a good menu. If you have ONE, you can use it over and over. How are you at planning a weekly menu your family will love?

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Doing a menu plan? Gather your favorite recipes

5 Things You Should KNOW to Cook Smarter

There’s so MUCH to know to cook smarter…but where do you start? What’s most important? How do you choose? How do you focus in the midst of SO MUCH information available? Here’s the bare bones of 5 things you should know to cook smarter. ANYONE trying to feed themselves or their family a healthy, budget-friendly diet should KNOW these things.

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