
Have fun creating your own “kitchen sink” meals

In these days of uncertainty in what you’ll find when you do finally go to the store, having some “kitchen sink” recipes in your back pocket can put your mind at ease. Your family enjoys healthy meals while you enjoy a little fun in the process!

I used to have my husband come in and “make something from nothing” when I felt like there was nothing left to cook (this was a long time ago and his pet name for it was “conglom”). He always came up with something good, but I wasn’t allowed to ask the ingredients! Now, I find it fun to see what new combinations I can come up with or how well I can clean out the fridge with one meal. Get creative…you might find something your family REALLY likes in one of these gems!!!

Disclaimer: for those of you who know how much I love and stick to all things Whole30, I’m gonna mention some things in here that aren’t compliant. So just be careful if you’re trying to stick to the plan!

Omelet, Scrambled eggs or Frittata

Add meat and veggies to scrambled eggs for a yummy wholesome breakfast!
Today’s “kitchen sink eggs” – with turkey sausage, peppers, onions and kale

You can put almost anything in with eggs and make something great! Chop one or two servings of meat and another one or two of veggies. For an omelet, you can cook the omelet fully then wrap it around your meat and veggies OR add while the eggs are cooking on the first side, then flip. For scrambled eggs, simply toss your extra ingredients right in there while you’re cooking the eggs. And for frittata, whip your eggs first with a little salt and pepper (or other spices if you’re adventurous), then stir in your meat and veggies, pour into greased baking dish and bake until set (about 20-30 minutes). You can cook 9-12 eggs in a 9×13 or 6-9 eggs in an 8×8.

Skillets (American, Cajun or Taco)

I originally found this recipe on but it appears she’s moved everything to Pinterest. Anyway, brown your ground meat (beef or turkey) and drain. Add 2 Tbsp of “no salt” seasoned salt, Cajun seasoning or Taco seasoning (make your own here) and 1 14.5 ounce can diced tomatoes (or 10-ounce can diced tomatoes and chiles for Taco version), then whatever chopped veggies you want. Clean out the fridge…one serving of any leftover vegetable won’t feed all 4 of us so any single serving is fair game to use here! Stir and heat until everything is warmed and fully combined. Yummy!


This one’s a no-brainer. Any kind of broth, any kind of meat or veggies you want. I like mine more like stew so I pack ‘em in there. If all your ingredients have already been cooked, it doesn’t take long to heat it up either. You can even save single servings of veggies in the freezer and add them all together later!


Of course you can put anything ON TOP of your greens for a salad but also consider combining things into a chicken or egg type salad…add your mayo and something for a zing (a vinegar or citrus juice) and some nuts, grapes, crunchy veggies or even potatoes with your meat for a fun change.


OK here’s where any Whole 30 people need to just look away cause I’m going off the reservation. You need a meat and veggies, a binder (read that some kind of cream soup), spices and at least one “goodie.” Mix the meat and veggies with the binder and spices, pour into a baking dish and top with your choice of two (cheese, crumbled pretzels, crumbled crackers, potato chips…really whatever “goodies” you want). I read this idea years ago in one of Amy Dacyzyn’s Tightwad Gazette books. Since I’ve been on the Whole 30, I’ve not done it, but this was an easy fix in a pinch long ago. It might just come in handy here soon!

One of the questions my family is asking each other daily during this period of uncertainty and constant change is what creative things you are doing today? Tonight that creative thing could be a new dish…invite the family into the kitchen and create a masterpiece!

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