Change kitchen linens every day!

Keep your kitchen and groceries CLEAN

Now more than ever, it’s SO important our kitchen and even our groceries (not just the food, but the packaging, too!) be CLEAN. I’m meaning just plain clean and clear of any COVID-19 that might be on anything we bring in our home…cause we wouldn’t even know it was there.

The knowledge is changing daily about how long the virus can be active on various surfaces and in the air itself. Meanwhile, even folks completely on lock down are having groceries and other items shipped or delivered. We need to quickly adapt so we’re not inviting this virus in. Here’s three new habits that can help you clean up your food AND your kitchen!

Change those kitchen linens

First is a habit I have long wanted to adopt but haven’t been successful at so far. The current situation has made it easier for me to do this: CHANGE THE LINENS IN YOUR KITCHEN DAILY. These are dirtier than we think and with the germs we’re trying to keep under control, it’s a good idea to keep those fresh. (Of course, if they get too dirty within the day, go ahead and change them out.)

Keep your kitchen cleaner with fresh linens every day!
Keep enough kitchen linens to change them every day!

Changing them first thing in the morning lets you spread them out overnight so moisture doesn’t encourage something else (like mold or mildew) to grow on them (check it out here… BTW I wash my dishcloths in the dishwasher for max heat!)

Clean the sink and countertops

Along with that, you really should thoroughly clean your sink and counters once a day or more (plus it’s the first step to easier cooking). Because so many things that are “unclean” pass through or around our sinks, they are NOT a clean space (see here and here. Plus check out the other things you might not have thought were so grimy, but especially NOW you’ll want to clean them up!)

Chicken, other raw meat, and eggs are of course the worst offenders, but even the greens of veggies aren’t clean (fertilizer…need I say more!!!). So keep cleaning those areas. If that means you need to not have as many things out on the counters, join the club. I need to work on that myself.

Clean the groceries and other deliveries that enter your home

I heard about this video on a podcast. I hadn’t thought about this particular part of grocery shopping. His original video was filmed 3/24 and this one is an update on 3/31. All great info as you consider what you might be bringing into your home.

Also think about how you or others bag your groceries. Then if you choose to leave non-perishables outside, you can easily grab the perishables separately and take them in. Just takes a little bit of thought and care as stacking can cause its own problems (bruising fruits in particular).

Grab your cleaning gear and go!

I’m asking everyone to clean up their act in the kitchen! Do it for yourself, do it for your family, do it for your friends and fellow humans. We can each have a part in stopping this virus in its tracks. In these uncertain times, we must take the extra care to clean differently than we might have before…and maybe develop some long term new habits as well.

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